Just found out, i haven't written anything about 30-hour famine of this year properly...:P
Anyone is interested in it ???
COme la come la come la. JOin la JOin la Join la. Have fun together ma :)
We are part of the committeeessssss this year =)
Some friends asked me.
Why I join it ? 30 hour din eat. Gam fei?
Sorry my frens. Empty ur tummy for 30 hours cant gam fei one :) though i hope it can ...><
I join, because, i think this is what i can do to help people who in needs currently. I just do what i can do. That's all.
And, I hope more people can join it. Believe it or not. Ur lil sacrification can bring a great difference to others life :) That's the paradigm i m holding on to now. And that's why i join it .
Then they asked sumore. Y i wanna b committee leh. Cari pasal saja...><
Hmmmmmm. I wanna say that is exactly WHY i wanna be committee. If everyone oso takut pasal, hey, who gonna take the initiatives in making a change and contribute to this society ?
I just happened to be there, to be one of them who run this event. And, I'm so glad I am so in it now !
And then horh. When i ask my frens to join. Normally, the first reaction will be :: I CANNOT DONT EAT FOR 30 hours !
My friends. U know how sam fu not to eat for 30 hours. So, I'm so sure you can understand people who didnt eat more than 30 hours are even more sam fu, right ? That's why we are here, doing this, with a hope that we are able to reduce their sam-fu-ness. How about you ? =)
Then , then...some of them are hesitating now. Thinking should join or not. Yet, they worry they can't raise fund up to RM80.
Sigh... U not even start to raise the fund...how u know u cannot do it ? Never try, never know =) Just do your best and i m sure you can reach the target as long as you have the will to do it. Don't you think so? =)
What else i can talk about it...
Hmmmm. Just join it larh :)
We join it is not just for fun, but for the meaning behind the event .
Learn more about it at http://worldvision.com.my/famine2009/
We are waiting for you.
And we believe all of us got the power to change the world into a better one together.