I always need to sleep more. I'm sleep deprived. Bla.Like hell no one knows =/
Look at my dark circles below my eyes. It is getting darker day by day. Rmb once i was in Sasa and looking for concealer, but the Sasa Beauty counsultant recommended me some sort of eye gel to reduce my dark circles instead of concealer.
Coz she said, there is NO CONCEALER that ables to conceal my dark circles T___________T
. . .
In fact, i can always opt to sleep earlier.
But, if i sleep earlier, i cannot finish my works. To solve this dilemma, i gotta reduce my outings which is impossible larh. ( siao meh. don't go out. I will bored to max weih)
So, in my case, it's sort of dai ngor sei o.O
. . .
And trust me. I hate myself for blogging here coz it takes away my sleeping time even more.
Yet, i love to blog whenever i tend to run away from the works i have :D
De-stress kononnya.
. . .
I have an adrupt thought such as wishing myself is in my Year 3. doing last sem already.
Coz, i started to sense all the coming works will be heavier and heavier...
I can do it !!
Yah yah, stop whining mar. I know. Save all the complaining energy for my works mar.
So i mai stop it now lor. Bleh.
Chao to my works now. No more procrastination. Hopefully.