i'm feeling...Indifferent.
Just in case u dunno, im undergoing premature midlife crisis :S ( at least datz why i told my frens lar..)
If u dunno wadz midlife crisis, google it by yourself yah. im not goin to explain it here.
Just plain lazy to explain it =/
I got a feeling dat
The more i learnt...the i more i found out i actually, reli, do not know anything.
Knowlegde deprivation ? Oh well, i do crave for knowlegde now...
So that i do not have to crack my encephalone and drain out my CSF all times while there are assignments to be done...( Just in case u do not know again, i like to misuse my psychology knowlegde nowadays ... Don blame me or saying me show off or whatsoever...I jz found some of these terms are extremely expressive. Short n sweet, i would love to put it in this way.)
Oh yah. I have some issues ( not tissues) with one of my frens now...hmm. I do not know how to solve it...well, i should put it in this way : i just don have the courage or energy or whatsoever super power to face it now. and just as lazy as i am, i like to procrastinate.
and i found out,
i am busy hor. I tot itz da same goes to each n every Uni student.
and no, it is not.
My frens who study Biz is so damn free. Kind of jealous such free time nowadays lor.
Coz i have lost mine...
Such is life.
no. shud have said such is my life....