

i super duper beh song Mr.Alex now o !!!

out of so many groups, he picked my group to adopt a black for assignment.

If we don't adopt, he is goin to split my group.

Ohh Gosh

i am selfish when comes to assignment. I don't like to mix join ppl dat i duno o im not close with.

I reli reli reli don like it...

but terpaksa lar. v ''adopt'' him.

Hope he's fine o co-operative larh.

If he don't, nvm la. we will do all da things. All he needs to do is memorise da script.

That's all.

I m not gonna let him affect our overall performance.

No way he can affect my future.

btw...i don like blacks due to my personal experiences larh...i m not racist at 1st

but now, i truly am.

. . .


and and and...

my msia studies punyer lecturer truly is a f**ker.

how dare she askes us to do her stuff?

She got healthy bars to sell n i think no one wana buy her products la..

so she askes us, the students who need marks from her, disguise ourselves as merchant n fon discributor to ask wherther da company is interested in distributing her healthy bar anot.....if da company is interested, we have to give her that particular company's numbers. WTH is dat !? if v do so, she will give us extra 2 marks.

GO TO HELL MANNNN ! im not gonna betray myself for that 2 marks.

ONI 2 marks i reli DONT MIND !!

obviously she is abusing us lar in the line of lecturer name...shit her.

n she thinks we will not sense it???

OMG. hey ! we are college-educated student.

We got brain.

At least it's still functioning n not yet polluted by corroption or bribe lar.

what sort of lecturer is dat?????

i can't imagine the future if all lecterurs behave like she does.


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