Aiks. I wanna post da video of Susan Boyle here.
Yet, dunno y it is unabled by request >< !!
Guess she is tooo famous now.
Definately do not need a free adverstisement to promote her here =X
Nvm. I put her photo here so dat u guys know who am i talking about .hehe.
Yay. itz SUSAN BOYLE. and she is wad we called TALENT.
shaddup about her out-looking or her age. Singing does not need all these to make the voice outstanding.
Because you use your ears to listen, not your eyes.
Anyway, u can link to here ::
She has a voice that everyone dreams of.
It's so angelic and soothing that it ables to touch the very bottom of your heart (^o^)/
and LOOK at the judges' expressions. What a paradox change they can have.
Especially Simon Cowell's. Hahha enjoy seeing him change from a scornful face to a stunnning one =D
Frankly speaking, i enjoy shows like these.
These singers do not need fabulous outlooks, think makeup.
All they need to do is just sing, sing with the voice, sing with their very hearts.
And this is what i cannot see, cannot get from Malaysia's kiddy shows.
No offence thou. Compared to all the talents that we can see from overseas, Malaysia's is too immature.