it will be a very very short post here.
just wanna tell what i have done recently.
Last 2 weeks.
i joined Law Olympiad.
yea. it sounded crazy coz a law nood joined it...
but hey. nvr try nvr know.
at least. i m willing to give a try.
nevermind about the win or lose.
Experiences dat count.
Last 2 days.
Finally o finally finished my PDP...
it was a ...relief.
and a new starting point of my life.
it's my 1st presention for psychology,
and alot more is coming.
telling myself not to fear of it. coz it supposed sth i like to do, enjoy to do, glad to do.
went to Murni. Lolx. and One U skybridge.
For bobo's bdae =P
rushing my 2nd reflective writing.
it's about my IRRATIONAL BELIEF.
it's not easy to face sth dat we don like, we afraid of facing.
2 more hours later
i will be on my way to KLCC
jus to see the Earth hour in Malaysia later <3